Light up the moon to continue...中文 / 日本語

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Novilunium is a fan zine centered on Project Moon, a Korean indie game studio, and their works throughout their various games and official content releases.

May you find your book in this place.

Project announcementMar 8, 2023
Interest checkMar 27 - May 15, 2023
Contributor applicationsJun 5 - Jul 19, 2023
HIATUS*Jul 4 - Oct 4
Application resultsOct 10, 2023
Creation startNov 4, 2023
Check-In 1Dec 4, 2023
Check-In 2Jan 4, 2023
Check-in 3Feb 4, 2023
Final submissionsMar 4, 2024
PreordersMar/Apr - May 2024
ProductionJun - Aug 2024
ShippingSep - Oct 2024
LeftoversDec 2024


head, graphics, shipping

A round void that resides in the graphics dungeon. Do not hand feed. Will scribble green skrunklies on the walls of the dungeon using stolen appendages."Muscles make me nervous."

Co-Head, Finance

A recent discovery. May be a variant species, but further research is required to determine if so. Despite naming conventions, ingesting is not suggested. Crunchy."Starrie's ready I believe in her."

JP Support, Intern

A vaguely pink cloud that feels surprisingly solid. Likes to float above people's heads. Enjoys eating people's feelings (the sad ones are extra tasty)."My face is a spoiler for heaven☆ ."

motion graphics

From a [READCTED] background. Proficient and suitable for [REDACTED] work. Do not otherwise perceive for your own safety."[Animated image of stylized Angela breakdancing]"


✦ What is a "zine" or "fanzine" ? ✦
    A zine is a non-official, fan-created "magazine" of creative work (often artwork and writing) usually focused around a particular fandom or theme.
✦ Is this zine legal? ✦
   Yes– the guidelines for Project Moon fanworks can be found here.
✦ How will profits be handled? ✦
   Breakeven will be prioritized, after which we will fund a free copy of the zine bundle for all contributors. Any leftover profit will be handed out to contributors. A more detailed version of the breakdown can be found below in Participant FAQ!
✦ What is the rating of this Zine? ✦
   The zine will be rated 16+ due to the maturity ratings of Lobotomy Corporation and Limbus Company. Gore and disturbing content may be present in the zine and will not be censored, however we do not allow any explicit sexual content in the zine.
✦ Will the Zine be physical or digital? ✦
   This will be a physical zine with merchandise and a PDF version available!
✦ Are ships allowed? ✦
   While we will allow canon relationships (i.e. Roland and his wife) to be portrayed, romantic ships will not be the focus of this zine and we will not be allowing romantic ship explicit focused work in the final product.
✦ Are AUs allowed? ✦
   Yes, AUs are allowed.
✦ What size will this Zine be printed in? ✦
   The zine will be A5 size.
✦ How many languages will the zine be in? ✦
   All zine posts will be translated for ENG, CN and JP, but the zine itself will be in full English. If you are a writer, please make sure your application works are in English.

Contributor FAQ
✦ How old do you have to be to participate? ✦
   All applicants must be 16 years by the time of acceptance emails going out.
✦ Will content that applicants create outside of the zine affect their acceptance? ✦
   So long as your conduct is respectful, we do not care what ships, characters, etc. you enjoy or have created for. Please warn for any triggering content in your application if applicable.
✦ Is traditional art allowed? ✦
   Yes – as long you have a high quality scan of your work and follow the template sizes provided.
✦ Can I apply for multiple roles? ✦
   Yes, but contributors will only be accepted for one role.
✦ How many contributors are you looking for? ✦
   Approximately 30-40, but no more than 50 total participants (including mods)!
✦ How will participants be compensated? ✦
   All participants are guaranteed a free physical book and any digital goods. Shipping and physical merch will be added on for free as profits allow or otherwise available at production cost. We aim to provide all participants with a free full bundle and shipping after which net profit will then be split evenly amongst all participants.